
Please note that our Stations Of The Cross service on Fridays now starts at 10.00am.


Upcoming Events At St Peters

Please check back regularly for news of upcoming events.


Our Priests

We currently have a rota of visiting clergy

Fr Paul Taylor (1st Sunday in the month)
Fr Glenn Reading – Team Vicar (2nd Sunday in the month)
Fr David Lingwood (3rd Sunday in the month)
Fr Paul Lockett (4th Sunday in the month)
Fr Andrew Hutchinson, Chaplain of The Blue Coat School, Birmingham.


Covid Update

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Online Services

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News & Info

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Service Times

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The parish of St Peters Crabbs Cross is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies and have our own Parish Safeguarding Officer. 

  • Parish Safeguarding Officer:   Diane Mowatt
  • Diocesan Safeguarding Advisor:   Hilary Higton   07495 060869

For more information on safeguarding visit:

Childline:   0800 1111

Local Police:   101

Following recent changes to the law and the criminal records system, the Parochial Church Council for the parish of St Peters Crabbs Cross has prepared a child protection policy with the accompanying procedures.  These were discussed and agreed by the PCC in September 2016 and updated in September 2021.  The policy will be reviewed by the PCC annually.